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Important Notice To Members: Letter from James Findlay

Dear All,

Thank you for the time and effort you’ve invested in assisting us to develop the Fisheries Assistance and User Engagement Package in relation to Australian Marine Parks. Your engagement has resulted in a program which provides fair and reasonable assistance to those fishers directly affected by Australian Marine Park management arrangements and real benefits to the wider commercial fishing sector.    I am pleased to advise that the Fishing Business Assistance Grants

program will be opening next Wednesday 20 March 2019. Eligible fishers are being invited to accept the grant through a letter of offer that is being sent by registered mail next week. They will have until 7 May 2019 to accept the grant. As this is a one-off grant payment, available only for the next 7 weeks, we would be grateful for your support in ensuring as many fishers as possible are aware of the importance of accepting the offer through the Community Grants Hub. As you are aware, Round One of the Our Marine Parks Grants program closed on the 12th of March. We received a good response to the grants round. We are hoping applicants will be advised of the outcomes from this process in early April 2019. Thanks again for your time and efforts. I look forward to continuing our productive working relationship. Dr James Findlay Dr James Findlay | Director of National Parks Parks Australia GPO Box 787 Canberra ACT 2601 p. 02 6274 2220 m. 0418 689 446 e. w.


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